Archive for the 'uncategorized' Category

I’ve moved!

My blog is now at If you’ve been kind enough to link to me, please update it to the new site, where I’ll have plenty more of the same hatred you’ve come to know and love.

a brief introduction

This will be a collection of things I hate. I promise to spew a wide-ranging firehose of vitriol on topics ranging from English grammar to sports to theatre to pop culture and many other things besides. If you like what you see, please tell me so. If you have a blog that I don’t hate, I’ll put it up on a blogroll entitled “Blogs I Don’t Hate.” If you hate what I write, let me know. Then I can write essays on how much I hate the people who write me hate mail.

about me

Nomen mihi est Kevin. Ich komme aus New Orleans. E-mail me at My blog is also now up and running at

